Welcome to HOPE

Householders’ Options to Protect the Environment (HOPE) Inc.

Householders’ Options to Protect the Environment (HOPE) Inc. is founded on the vision of a society which is sustainable ecologically, economically and socially.

The core idea of HOPE is that, while we have to think about the environment on a planet-wide scale, we need to act in our own communities in a way that’s effective and meaningful. Our slogan is:

“Think Globally – Act Locally”

We investigate global environmental issues of concern (and trends) – as well as ‘good works’ being advocated and/or undertaken.

We then endeavour to translate these matters into a local context and see what we can do as individuals, families, communities, etc. to ameliorate/mitigate/minimise adverse impacts such as pollution and waste of resources.

While HOPE endorses individual action, it also encourages people to act together in their local community, and in society as a whole. Whether you live in urban, rural or regional Australia, you too can lessen your impact on the global environment by adopting sustainable living practices at home, at work and at school. 

For more information on practical ways to adopt sustainable living practices, browse through our resources or contact us.


Our Business Supporters


HOPE has joined forces with a number of sustainability focused businesses to form mutually advantageous partnerships based on shared values.

See more about our current partners or make an enquiry.