Summary of carry-forward and proposed projects, etc. for 2025
- Carried forward items from September ‘Ordinary Meeting’ (refer to attached minutes)
- Anna to ‘track’ progress of issues noted in Strategic Plan; as well the progress of current and proposed projects
- Lizzie Pennington to review and ‘update’ Ecological Footprint PPT
- Ben Sparshott to provide ‘drone’ flyovers for 2 of Toowoomba’s escarpment parks
- Carried forward items from last Quarterly Report (refer to attachment)
- Issued letters to State and Territory governments requesting information on their respective abandoned mines policies and actions to remediate those mines – Samy Leyton assisting with this endeavour
- Projects current and proposed
- Current:
- Grant application with Hamer Sprout Fund to publish a booklet of profiles on male Environmental Champions of the Toowoomba region
- Grant application with Volunteering Queensland (Strong and Resilient Communities – Community Support) to undertake ‘The Governance Foundations for Not-for-Profit Directors’ training provided by Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD)
- Special Report on the Circular Economy – being undertaken by Callum Fisher
- Special Report on Pest Plants and Animals – being undertaken by Lizzie Pennington.; and reviewed by the Invasive Species Council
- Jessica Nettle, Southern Cross University, sociology student placement researching “Greenwashing”
- ZOOM interview Jerry Coleby-Williams – being undertaken by Anna Kula-Kaczmarski sometime in the New Year
- Issued letters to Australian universities and Local Government Authorities (LGAs) requesting information about their respective environmental policies and practices; climate change initiatives; and support of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) -> Responses are trickling in.
- Universities – 13 responses received from a total of 42
- State and Territory LGA associations – 5 responses received from 8 associations
- LGAs: ACT = 3/7; NSW = 16/128; NT = 2/8; QLD = 18/76; SA = 10/69; TAS = 3/29; VIC = 27/79; and WA = 17/139
- Proposed:
- Purchase 2 HP laptops ) individual or combined application to Qld GCBF grant
- Upgrading our website ) OR via a “Go Fund Me” platform (see Kerry’s information on file)
- Andrew’s ‘podcast’ proposal (see attached paperwork) -> Circulate cover letter and Andrew’s full proposal to our membership inviting feedback and support for this major undertaking.
- Current:
- Extra items from Frank
- Invitation to IPEN SEA hub -> Yes. Send email reply (09/11/24)
- Extra items from Anna
- Priorities for 2025
- Google analytics to analyse demographics of our followers and interactions
- Consult to increase our engagement/outreach with followers/volunteers
- Explore income stream options – Containers for Change, advertising and sponsorship
- Priorities for 2025
Meeting schedule for 2025
- 8 Feb Ordinary Meeting
- 14 June Ordinary Meeting
- 13 Sept Ordinary Meeting
- 8 Nov Annual General Meeting; followed by 1st Ordinary Meeting of 2025-2026 Management Committee