
The following feature articles and information sheets have been developed/written by HOPE members and volunteers. Please share these publications with your networks.

Older material has been archived and can be accessed by contacting the office at [email protected]

Feature Articles

Sustainable Solutions for Australia’s Medical Waste Challenges and Initiatives, by Brunna Barcellos – HOPE researcher QLD

Opinion Article — Collisoin Course – 3 degrees of warming on the future of humanity, by Georgy Hadwen – HOPE Senior researcher QLD

Opinion piece – Cocktail of Doom: Hopelessness and Paralysis in Younger People in an age of climate change

Review of Taking Renewables to the Regions report – by Evgeniy Smekhov, HOPE researcher QLD

Transitioning to Renewables, an article by Georgy Hadwen- HOPE Senior Researcher QLD

The Persistent Threat of Man-Made Chemicals in Our Food and Bodies, by Shuri Matsumoto – HOPE admin volunteer QLD

The Impact of Ecotourism on National and State Parks in Australia (Jan 2025),by Georgy Hadwen – HOPE researcher QLD

Report on Embedding Deliberative Democracy Principles and Practices Australia,by Georgy Hadwen – HOPE researcher QLD

Liveable Communities – Building a Better Future for All (Jan 2025), by Georgy Hadwen, HOPE researcher QLD

From Miracle Mineral to Global Crisis -The Legacy and Ongoing Battle Against Asbestos, by Taelum Slijderink

Public Resistance to Change in Queensland’s Transition to Cleaner and Greener Transport, by Evgeniy Smekhov, MScPH, HOPE researcher QLD

Report review – The behavioural crisis driving Ecological Overshoot, by Karyne Maurmann,HOPE researcher QLD

Role of Environmental Factors in Cancer Incidence and Economic Productivity, by Georgy Hadwen, HOPE researcher QLD (Nov 2024, ver1b)

A Review of Pest Animals and Plants in Australia, by Lizzie Pennington, HOPE researcher QLD (Dec 2024)

Climate Change and Zoonotics, by Evgeniy Smekhov, MScPH,HOPE researcher QLD

IPEN Quick Views On The 5th Session Of The Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee To Develop An International Legally, Summarised by Georgy Hadwen, HOPE researcher QLD

Binding Instrument On Plastic Pollution, by Georgy Hadwen

Cooling the Climate PDF, by Peter Bunyard and Rob de Laet

Summary of eBook ‘Cooling the Climate’, by Georgy Hadwen, HOPE researcher QLD

Counter Arguments in Supporting the Continuation of Coal Seam Gas (CSG) Mining, by Georgy Hadwen, HOPE researcher QLD

Climate Concerns and Impact of Coal Seam Mining in Australia, by Georgy Hadwen, HOPE researcher QLD

Review of ‘Later is Too Late’ report, by Georgy Hadwen, HOPE researcher QLD

Advocating for the Care and Protection of the Environment through ESD, by Georgy Hadwen, HOPE researcher QLD

Carbon Capture and Storage, Yes or No – by Frank Lee,HOPE researcher NSW

Managing wild dog populations, by Georgy Hadwen, HOPE researcher QLD

Earth’s destruction by a thousand cuts, by Charmaine Turnbull, HOPE researcher QLD

Volunteer for the Environment, by Julie Mammitzsch, HOPE researcher NSW

There exists a global environmental crisis, by Gabriel Malandu, HOPE researcher QLD

Three decades of environmentalism, by Anna Kula, HOPE researcher NSW

Legal Rights of Nature, by Julie Mammitzsch, HOPE researcher NSW

Public Housing Options For Australia, by Rod Pitcher

The Life and Dignity of the Human Person, by Rod Pitcher

A Special Report — Water Security issues, trends and solutions – Internationally and in Australia (January 2023),  by Charmaine Turnbull, HOPE senior researcher QLD

Andrew’s thought on using social media, by Andrew Nicholson

HOPE’s affiliations in Queensland, by Georgia Eastment

Revamping homes in a changing climate, by Harry Johnson NSW September 2022.

Is Labor doing enough on Climate Change, by Mert Kul, September 2022.

HOPE’s National Affiliations, by Georgia Eastment, September 2022.

HOPE’s international affiliations, by Georgia Eastment, September 2022.

The role of offsets in ecologically sustainable development, by Georgia Eastment MSc., July 2022.

Management of the Great Barrier Reef, by Brianna Mariano, July 2022.

Action on Climate Required Now!, by Frank Lee, July 2022.

Major Environmental Organizations in the Philippines, by Shelley Malaluan, July 2022.

Reimagining Indigenous ecologies: recognising rivers as legal entities, by Georgia Eastment MSc., July 2022.

Energy Storage World Forum 2020 Highlights, by Dan Bielich, July 2022.

Putting Second-hand First to Create Local, by Dr Amandeep Kaur, June 2022.

Decommissioning of Nuclear Submarines, by Nina Stick, May 2022.

Overview and Critique of “A New Generation of National Environmental Laws”, by Stephen Law, May 2022.

Review of the Australian Community Landcare Futures framework, by Anna Kula, May 2022.

Review of IPCC Biodiversity and Climate Change Workshop Report, by Amandeep Kaur, April 2022.

International offsets review by Climate Change Authority, summary prepared by Anna Kula, March 2022.

Review of “Building resilience in local communities: The wellbeing benefits of participating in Landcare” Report, by Amandeep Kaur, February 2022.

United Nation’s International Decades, by Jason Dingley, January 2022.

Critique for the ‘State of volunteering in Queensland’ report of 2021 by Anna Kula, January 2022.

Policy Suggestions for the Transition to a Sustainable Energy Future by James Ahern, January 2022.

Designing for the Future: Foreseeing climatic risk with model-based design by Daniela Dal’Castel, January 2022.

Information Sheets

Factsheet on Weeds by Sofija Belajcic

An overview of UN SDGs

Beginners Guide to Chook-Keeping by Ian Simons

Building and Operating a Chook Tractor by Ian Simons

Green Cleaning Chart